Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)


Estimated Time Of Arrival data is displayed once you enter all shipping information.  It is displayed in two locations in the program





If you require a date-certain commitment for a shipment, you should not rely solely on the ETA's in ReSource.  ALWAYS call the Carrier to confirm Date, Time, and Service Availability commitments.


What Is An ETA?

ETA is an Estimate of when this shipment would be normally delivered.


How Are ETAs Calculated?

The starting points for ETA calculation are:



Using these points of information, the system then creates an estimate based on any  information available from the Carrier.  Depending on the Carrier, or even the service, we may be able to incorporate ZIP code level estimates.  But Carriers choose to share this information on a limited basis.  In some cases, ETA are an estimate based on Zone only.


With this information, the system then looks at the Manifest Pickup Date and calculates a delivery estimate forwards.  Therefore, if the Manifest Pickup Date is incorrect, the estimate will be incorrect.  For more information on Manifest Pickup Date, see the Manifest Close topic.



Manifest Pickup Date is automatically advanced to the next business day when you close your manifest


Are ETA The Same As A Delivery Guarantee?



You should only present to the customer that the system has calculated the shipment would usually arrive on the date shown on the shipping screen.  If a more firm commitment is needed, you should seek that information from the Carrier on the date of shipment.



Return To Shipping Overview






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